We would like to apologize for any delays our subscribers and summit registrants are experiencing. The Journal team are all based on Florida's Gulf Coast and with the second hurricane to affect us rapidly approaching staff are evacuating. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Day 2. September 25th, 2024

All times are US Eastern Time Zone.

10am – 10:10am Introduction and focus of the day. Heather Monaghan, MHSc, RN

10:15am – 11:15am The Gait-Belt Dilemma. Margaret Arnold, PT.

11:20am – 12.20 Technologies to Reduce the Risk of Patient’s Falling . Rodney Gorman 

12.20pm – 1pm  Lunch Break

1.00:pm – 2:00pm Integrating Patients Into Your Research and Other Work. Nico Knibbe, Hanneke Knibbe, MSc.

2.05pm – 3.05pm The Benefits of a Mobility Team. Manon Labreche, PT, CEAS II, CPEP

3.05pm – 3.15pm Summary & Close. H. Monaghan, MHSc, R

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