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Guidelines for Writing an Article

for the International Journal of SPHM & Falls Management

We welcome manuscripts on all areas of safe patient handling, early and continuous mobility, and falls prevention and management, including injury tracking and prevention and interventions relating to patients, clients, and caregivers.

When you submit a manuscript to the International Journal of SPHM & Falls Management there are 3 things to consider: 

The length of your manuscript should be between 2500-3000 words in length. This excludes tables, photos, illustrations, and references. If you feel that you need more words or would like to split the manuscript into 2 parts, contact the editor at info@SPHMjournal.com.

Every manuscript needs to include an abstract of no more than 175 words (not included in the word count). The abstract provides the reader with a summary of the subject, research method, and results/outcomes of the research. It should be written as one paragraph and without subheadings. 

Abbreviations need to be written in full the first time they are used in the text. Avoid using abbreviations that are not generally used within the health care profession. Use words that are relevant to the readership of the journal. 

Use double-line spacing when writing your manuscript. Manuscripts should be reviewed to ensure that hard returns between lines or paragraphs, extra spaces between words, or HTML codes (or any other codes) are excluded. 

Please submit a table, photo, video, or illustration in separate files to the manuscript. Identify the source of each table, photo, video, and illustration (if not original to your work), and include a title for each. Please indicate in the body of your manuscript where you would like the table, photo, video, or illustration placed within the manuscript. 

Manuscripts that include photographs of staff or patients should also include a signed consent for use with the submission.  Consent forms can be obtained by emailing info@sphmjournal.com. 

Write your manuscript from the perspective that the reader knows nothing or has little-to-no experience with the subject matter. 

Submitting a Manuscript

Submitting a Research Manuscript

Manuscripts of research must follow a specific format and include the following as a minimum:

  • Background
    • Purpose of the research 
    • Brief review of the literature 
    • Research question, hypothesis, or objective 
  • Methodology
    • The methodology should be detailed and specific. Such information may include sample size (including selection criteria), data processing and analysis methods, data sources, IRB approval (if appropriate) 
  • Results 
  • Discussion 
  • Limitations of the study  
  • Application to clinical practice 
  • Conclusion 
  • Acknowledgments 

Submitting a Literature Review

Literature reviews are always popular with our readers.  We welcome and encourage literature reviews for our journal.

  • A literature review can be submitted as a table, or a narrative with subtitles that demonstrate the breakdown of different areas you have considered, or a combination of both. 

Reference style

The International Journal of SPHM & Falls Management uses AMA style when citing references. This means that references are numbered in the text in the order that they are cited and listed in the same order in the reference section at the end of the manuscript. 

How to submit your article

  1. Check that you have followed the guidelines for submission, that you have indicated in your work the placement of any tables or figures, and that the numbering of your references matches your reference list. 
  2. Ensure your references are written in the correct format.  
  3. Manuscripts are only accepted electronically as a Microsoft Word file in .doc format. Do not send your manuscript as a PDF. If you do not receive an acknowledgment within 48 hours, please email info@SPHMjournal.com and re-attach your manuscript documents. 
  4. Attach a separate cover letter with all the author(s)’ names and credentials, and indicate who is the lead author along with his or her email address and the best telephone number where he or she can be reached. 
  5. At the top of the manuscript, include the title of the manuscript, date of submission, and the word-processing software and version you used. Do not include any means of author identification on the manuscript.  
  6. Submit your manuscript to info@SPHMjournal.com with MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION in the subject line, or to the journal editor-in-chief at hmonaghan@SPHMjournal.com. 

Thank you for considering submitting your work to the International Journal of SPHM & Falls Management. If you have any questions that have not been answered here, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@SPHMjournal.com and we will get back to you within 24 hours. 

Submit your manuscript here:

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