Heather Monaghan, MHSc, RN
Heather Monaghan has been a registered nurse since 1990 and first became involved in safe patient handling in the 1990’s in the UK. Moving to the USA in 2005, Heather quickly became involved in safe patient handling here in the US, and was fortunate to have worked with the great Audrey Nelson as the VA launched their national SPHM program back in 2008.
In 2011 Heather founded the American Journal of Safe Patient Handling & Movement which has since evolved into the International Journal of SPHM & Falls Management.
Heather’s portfolio extends far beyond SPHM, and she was the lead author of the book: Clinical Nurse Leader: Transforming Practice, Transforming Care. A model for the clinician at the point of care, in which she and her co-author Dr. Diana Swihart, defined and clarified how the role of the CNL could influence practice and affect change through the use of effective horizontal leadership.