Jamie Haines, PT, DScPT, NCS
Jamie Haines is an Associate Professor in the Physical Therapy Department at Central Michigan University. She is a board-certified neurological clinical specialist through the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties. She is a member of the Educational Taskforce through the ASPHP. Jamie has successfully embedded assistive mobility technology content at CMU across the three-year curriculum. Her publications on the subject include:
Haines J, Arnold M, Cheng C. Safe patient handling and mobility principles in Doctor of Physical Therapy education: student intentions for future practice. Int J SPHM, 2021. 11(2);61-75.
Haines J, Arnold M. Integration of Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Principles in Professional Physical Therapist Education: a case report. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2019, 33(2):113-125.