Kelly Moed is a Registered Nurse with almost 40 years of experience with thirty years as a Nurse Educator. Kelly’s passion for workplace safety began during the “AIDS epidemic” and was reignited after a personal back injury. In 2006 Kelly’s graduate research utilization project was successfully used as a proposal for Safe Patient Handling and Mobility (SPHM) program implementation at Staten Island University (SIUH)-Northwell Health. For over 15 years Kelly has been the co-chair of SIUH SPHM Committee and coordinates the staff SPHM education and training. In 2009 Kelly became a member of the New York State Zero Lift Task Force. In 2009 as an SPHM Consultant Kelly presented SPHM Train the Trainer programs throughout NY State through an OSHA grant received by the NY Committee for Occupational Safety and Health. Kelly received the 2011 SPH Advocacy Award from the NYS Zero Lift Task Force (NYSZLTF) SPH Advocacy Award and as a member of the NYSZLTF helped the passage of the NYS SPH Act of 2014.
Kelly has lectured nationally and locally on the topic of SPHM. She is a certified Safe Patient Handling Professional since 2014.