Yeu-Li Yeung, MS, OT/L, CPE, CSPHP

Ms. Yeu-Li Yeung has over 20 years of experience in healthcare ergonomics and has provided cost-effective solutions to minimize work hazards, developed and conducted training, consulted and collaborated on design and construction projects.  She led the development and implementation of the safe patient handling and mobility (SPHM) program at Duke University Hospital and clinics. She partners with the nursing executive team to manage the SPHM program.  Yeu-Li has presented on SPHM and other healthcare ergonomic topics at national conferences and published on SPHM.  She also teaches SPHM at the School of Nursing (SON) and Occupational Therapy Doctoral (OTD) Division at Duke University.  Yeu-Li is a certified professional ergonomist, certified safe patient handling and professional, and a licensed occupational therapist.

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