Using Personalized Care Boards for Communicating Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Status in Acute Care: Lessons Learned using the Donabedian Model
Personalized care boards (PCBs), or white boards, are a standardized communication tool useful for sharing safe patient handling and mobility (SPHM) technology recommendations. The purpose of this paper is to describe the implementation of PCBs in an acute care setting using Donabedian’s triad model for quality improvement. We describe structures, processes, and outcomes that facilitate interprofessional communication. Ninety-two percent of staff reported that personalized care board communication regarding SPHM was beneficial. They reported an increased likelihood of using lift equipment if physical and/or occupational therapy recommended it on the PCB. Lessons learned include the need for future research to explore relationships among communication, technology use, patient outcomes, and patient handling injuries using standardized measures.
Hursh A, Salsbury S, Lenhart B, Doran S, Zadvinskis IM
Keywords: personalized care boards, white boards, safe patient handling and mobility (SPHM), SPHM technology (equipment), physical and occupational therapy, Donabedian model
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