Reducing Preventable Injuries Through the Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Program Bundle



The aim of the safe patient handling and mobility (SPHM) program at the Birmingham Veterans Affairs Healthcare System (BVAHS) is to emphasize workplace safety, protect patients and employees from preventable injuries, and improve access to SPHM technology. Internal and external data are evaluated when establishing the goals and focus for implementation for the SPHM bundle. An effective SPHM program involves leadership, commitment, a training plan, and continual data analysis.1 An assessment was conducted on the 6B hospitalist unit about direct care providers who are treating patients to determine if the SPHM program bundle reduces preventable staff injuries related to lifting/repositioning patients. This assessment was compared to the current improper procedures. The complex adaptive system theoretical framework following the constructs of normalization process theory guides the SPHM bundle implementation as employees adapt to process change over time.2 Averages and percentages are used to evaluate staff injuries from lifting and/or repositioning patients on 6B pre- and post-intervention. The SPHM bundle provides a successful method as evidenced by 100% reduction of lifting/repositioning preventable injuries for 6B employees.

Jones DM, Eagerton G

Keywords: employee injuries, safe patient handling, workplace safety

One time download – from December 2020 Issue.